The Divine Feminine Is Rising

Welcome, Priestess!
( Go directly to channeled message )
The divine feminine is rising and we have been feeling it and working with these frequencies for years, right? But it takes time to understand the bigger picture and trust the messages we have been receiving.
What I’m sharing in this post came to me about 2 years ago. I had a vision and received the words I share below. I can feel that since then the grid of the divine feminine has gotten so much stronger around our planet. We’ve all learned (and worked hard!) to reclaim and embody our divine feminine essence.
When I wrote this down I didn’t know how things would play out exactly and in what time frame (it feels definitely faster than I had expected). Anyway, today this message feels more pertinent than ever and I want it out there for everyone to remember why we are here and how connected and supported we all are.

Channeled Message:
Divine Feminine Rising
Received in the summer of 2020
“I have a vision of women rising all over the world. They are rising like strong plants from the soil, because they are daughters of mother Earth.
They have strong roots and a powerful presence. They hold precious wisdom in their womb and they will only use it for the highest good.
They know that everything is connected and that life is much more beautiful when we remember our duties and responsibilities for a balanced life on Earth.
They know about the power of sacred gatherings and rituals and they love their deep connection with nature and mother Earth.
They love all living beings – even humanity, although it can be heart-breaking at times too.
They keep holding the highest vision and nourishing their soul with sacred gatherings and time in nature.
They know the part they are here to play: staying present in their loving energy no matter what.
This is a powerful force that is rising.
Feel into it. You are a part of this.
Remember, we are all connected.”
May this message bring remembering, reassurance and love to your entire being. You are not alone. We are all connected. We are rising together.
Thank you for being you.
Sending you so much love,

If you enjoyed this message, please pass it on to members of your soul family who might resonate as well. Thank you so much!
In case the priestess path has been calling you and you long for more clarity, guidance and support in a gentle and loving, yet powerful space, here’s some information on how we can co-create some magic together:
This is a loving and powerful container that will hold and support you in your unfolding as a Priestess / Healer / Witch / Wild Woman in this current time.
Step in and embrace what it means for you to be a woman and priestess in this time. Remember your psychic gifts, your deep connection with nature and your natural power. And last but not least, gain a deeper understanding of your mission as a priestess in this life.
If this calls you, read all about the deep energy work + practical guidance you’ll receive in the Priestess Activation and then let’s connect!
♡ Trust the Longings of Your Heart ♡
It’s time to be who you truly are.