About Me


My name is Deborah. I am an intuitive channel, soul mentor, artist and modern-day priestess. I am very passionate about creating change from the inside out. Only when we feel safe in our bodies, connected with mother Earth and the universe, can we be clear vessels for the birth of a new way of being on Earth.

Right now my mission is to help you remember and embrace all of your unique abilities and gifts, even those that seem too big, too daring, or too “out there”. I know it’s time that all of us learn to trust the deep knowing and wisdom we hold, because that’s how we create the most incredible visions together.


My Path

My degree in International Business led me to jobs in different cultural institutions as well as the automobile sector, when different body symptoms as well as exhaustion led me onto an unknown path of self-discovery.

The encounter with a channel medium in 2009 truly set me onto my soul quest. I started to read every spiritual book I could find and do my own experiments on connecting with different light beings, but I still felt very torn between the rational world I had grown up in and the new found spirit world.

In 2014 I felt drawn to the Light Grids Education by Irish healer and pioneer Damien Wynne. His intuitive and deep way of transforming fear, trauma and blocks instantly resonated with me and felt like everything I’d always been searching for.

Participating in his workshops and annual education in 2015 and beyond allowed me to remember and access my own abilities as an intuitive channel and become a teacher for others on their path of self-discovery and -empowerment.

It helped me discover that I am a free spirit and creative soul. The body symptoms and exhaustion that sent me on my quest were a cry for help from my soul. They mirrored the constraints our modern-day society had put onto my spirit.

Apart from my healing capacities I love to explore ways to express my true soul energy through art, especially painting, drawing, singing, dancing, writing and body work. I feel deeply connected with nature and enjoy my (almost) daily walks in nature with my mixed breed Feli.

I have been in a relationship with my partner Thomas for over 15 years. Our strong soul bond urged us to heal our own projections and explore new ways of communication and connection as a couple.

I am a loving and caring soul. I will do everything I can to support you through any challenges you might be facing so that you can embrace the truth of who you are and share your gifts with the world.

My Work

According to my clients my work is powerful, deeply transformational and at the same time they perceive my energy as very soft, gentle and fairy-like. And that’s exactly what I want to convey. We don’t need to struggle and suffer any longer – transformation can take place with ease and joy.

In all of my sessions and offers I’m using a combination of channeling and the different healing and clearing tools I’ve integrated over the years.

My intention is to empower my clients on their path. I always tune in and work in the moment. Therefore, each session is unique and specifically tailored to my client’s needs. My work is multi-layered and multi-dimensional. It contains among others:

  • clearing and balancing of the ancestral field & your genetic family system

  • clearing of old belief systems, contracts or programs

  • clearing and integration of past life information

  • connecting with & healing your inner child
  • reconnecting with and rebalancing your divine feminine and masculine aspects

  • reconnecting with your soul’s blueprint & your divine creator power

  • integrating your soul essence, talents and gifts


My Vision

Whenever I tune into my vision, I get to see images of artists, people celebrating, painting, dancing and enjoying themselves together… people deeply connected with themselves, nature and Mother Earth… people who are present, conscious and full of joy and life force… people who enjoy being on this planet and expressing their creativity in whatever form brings them most satisfaction. 

This is the big vision I dedicate my work and life to, taking one little step towards it each day. 

© 2016-2019 Deborah Kindermann-Zeilinger

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